Once you have started to collect coupons, the next step is organizing them in a way in which they are easily accessible in the store and when planning your shopping trip.
I am going to tell you how I organize my coupons and maybe give you an idea of how to do yours!
I have a large 3-ring binder with pockets on the inside.
Inside the binder, I bought tabbed inserts from Target for $1 each (each pack includes 5 inserts). This is what I use to separate each category, such as meat, hair products, makeup, etc.
To hold my coupons, I bought baseball card holders from Target for about $5 a pack. (each pack includes 30 card holders).
Inside the pockets I have placed my store ads for my shopping trip as well as a pen to make any changes to my shopping list along the way.
Once I have planned my shopping trip and pulled out any coupons I want to use, I place them in a small pink organizer. In case I don’t plan on buying anything else and don’t want to take my large binder into the store, I have this small one that easily can fit inside my purse.
The labels are separated by store and my coupons placed in the appropriate compartment.
Hey once the school supplies start up, keep a look out for one of those zippered pencil holders. You can put that inside your binder and store a small calculator, scissors, pen, etc. Works great!